How to wear Floral Necklace with a Floral Dress


It’s summer here in the UK which means one or two days of scorching hot sunshine folllowed by rain, lots of rain. Now I’m usually a jeans or shorts kind of a girl but I do love to wear dresses especially on hotter days. My favourite style of dress is a simple linen shift dress with a v neckline which is cool and comfortable.

The v neck makes it really easy to accessorise by framing the jewellery without being too busy, here I’m wearing a shift dress with one of my Flora necklaces and coordinating drop earrings. I like to pick out an accent colour and run with it, in this case the periwinkle blue of the dress goes with the flowers on the necklace and the earrings. They’re far enough away from each other that they dont have to be all matchy matchy but the periwinkle pulls it al ltogether and gives it a cohesive look.

This Flora necklace belongs to my personal collection but you can buy a similar one here


New Floral Necklaces, Coming Soon


Hannah Nunn Lamp and a Floral Necklace