
Last week was a bit of a doozy. We are all still safe and well and I will be writing a blog post just as soon as I have my head round the implications.
In the meantime here’s something I enjoyed very much. I got up one morning to find this in the middle of the living room floor.

This jigsaw was first given to Suzie for her birthday at the beginning of March but sadly was the wrong orientation for her posh new jigsaw table. Suzie gave it back to us in the form of a challenge. I took one look and passed, look at all those black and white pieces… way too hard for me! Now Robert is a bit of a jigsaw whisperer and can see things that neither myself or George can see. He also suffers from insomnia and over the course of a week he secretly put this together at night when we were asleep.
I got up one morning to find a fully completed Mickey staring at me from the middle of the living room floor.


Time Flies


Strange Times Indeed